Shritech energy pte ltd Niger
SHRITECH ENERGY PTE. LTD. (the "Company") The Company is a EXEMPT PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES and it''s current status is Live Company. The company was registered / incorporated on 06 July 2016 (Wednesday), 6 years ago with a paid up capital of $100,000 The address of this company registered office is 26, TUAS AVENUE 10,
PT. Shritech Energy Indonesia Pte Ltd
Shritech Energy Indonesia Pte Ltd, Indonesia. Registered under Business Number, the company details include shareholder data, capital structure, and key financial reports. CompaniesFacts Shritech Energy Indonesia Business Number 1285009 Registered Address Jl. Kawasan Industri Sekupang
SHRITECH ENERGY PTE. LTD. is a Singapore EXEMPT PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES. The company was incorporated on 06 Jul 2016, which is 8.2 years ago. The address of the Business''s registered office is 26 TUAS AVENUE 10, Singapore 639147. The Business current operating status is Live Company. The Business''s principal activity is MANUFACTURE
3 FAQs about [Shritech energy pte ltd Niger]
Who is shritech energy Pte Ltd?
SHRITECH ENERGY PTE. LTD. (the "Company") is a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares, incorporated on 6 July 2016 (Wednesday) in Singapore . The address of the Company's registered office is 26 TUAS AVENUE 10, SINGAPORE (639147). The Company current operating status is live and has been operating for 8 years.
Who is shritech manufacturing?
ShriTech Manufacturing is a full-service CNC machine shop specialized in solving highly competitive and dynamic business | ShriTech Energy (PT.SINGATAC BINTAN) Lot 2 Bintan Industrial Estate Lobam, Bintan Kepulauan Riau 29154 Tel: +62- 770696788/89 HP: +62- 82391100911 Fax: +62- 770696790 Email: [email protected]
How to contact shritech energy PT singatac Bintan?
ShriTech Energy (PT.SINGATAC BINTAN) Lot 2 Bintan Industrial Estate Lobam, Bintan Kepulauan Riau 29154 Tel: +62- 770696788/89 HP: +62- 82391100911 Fax: +62- 770696790 Email: [email protected] SHRITECH ENERGY | 175 followers on LinkedIn.
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